In the event that you are not 100% satisfied with an item you purchased from The Detroit Body Parlor, you can exchange that item, or receive store credit for your purchase. We allow 7 days from the date of purchase to request an exchange/store credit. (No exceptions at this time)
Please contact us as soon as possible to have your return approved, and at that time, we will instruct you with details of how to have the item(s) returned to us. We reserve the right to deny any return without prior return approval.
All items returned should include the original packaging (if applicable), tags, and all items included with that product as it was shipped or sold to you.
We do not offer, nor process cash/debit refunds. All close-out and clearance items are final sale and are not subject for return.
We know what it's like waiting for a package to arrive, so we make every effort to get your order(s) to you as soon as possible. Unless otherwise stated, please allow 24 hours for us to prepare your order for shipment.
After your order is shipped, you'll receive an email with tracking information. Most domestic orders will arrive in 2-4 business days (excluding holidays) after they're shipped. You can sign up for text/email alerts right on the website of the selected shipping company. We utilize USPS, Fed-Ex, UPS, DHL, and many more. Please view your options when you are checking out in your shopping cart.Â
Thank you for making sure the shipping information you provide is accurate! If you discover an error on your confirmation email, please inform us ASAP, and if your shipment hasn’t already gone out, we’ll quickly make the correction.
If orders are undeliverable and returned to sender due to incorrect information we have received from the customer, we will be happy to resend the order after we’ve received the item and collected new shipping fees. We will notify you at the phone number you provided.
We accept Cash and all other payment options in person (excluding personal checks). Online we accept CODs, PayPal, Credit/Debit, and many more options. (Please read our Privacy Policy which notes privacy information when personal information is used on our website).
If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at Ph: 313-207-2017 (text friendly); or send us an email:
The Detroit Body Parlor, LLC
P.O. Box 380493
Charter Township of Clinton, MI 48038